EDW Supports a Historical ESG Renovation in Italy

 EDW Supports a Historical ESG Renovation in Italy Between 2015-2017 The “Magnifica Regola di Selva e Pescul di Cadore” (the administrative body for the self-government of mountain communities) has contributed to recovery efforts of the "L MOLIN DEI PADRE" (the father's mill). The restoration and reconstruction included rebuilding the roof, the racks and the feed … Continued

Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19: Consumer Loan Insights

 Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19: Consumer Loan Insights We recently looked into the payment holiday statistics for our consumer loans in our dataset. The results were discussed in our webinar on 15 December 2020. In the blog below, we discuss the insights at greater length. Usman Jamil and Gianluca Ginelli As no single field in … Continued

A Long Road Ahead for a Systematic European NPL Approach

 A Long Road Ahead for a Systematic European NPL Approach While Europe was united in the response to the ABS crisis back in 2008, much needs to be done to ensure a systematic European approach for non-performing loans (NPLs).   On 23 September 2020 new disclosure requirements under the Securitisation Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 entered into … Continued

Why the Market Supports European DataWarehouse

 The Market Supports EDW When EDW submitted its application to ESMA on 23 September, we did so knowing we had the support and trust of the market behind us. We're humbled to present the following testimonials below.   “Since 2013 European DataWarehouse has been acting successfully as the unique securitisation repository of the Eurosystem, contributing … Continued

Everything you Need to Know About the New EDW Extended (ESMA + Rating Agency) Templates

 Everything you Need to Know About the New EDW Extended (ESMA + Rating Agency) Templates How Were they Created? European DataWarehouse (EDW) worked together with DBRS Morningstar, Fitch Ratings, Moody's Investors Service, and S&P Global Ratings to introduce extended ESMA reporting templates for all asset classes and the investor reports, the EDW Extended Templates. The … Continued

European DataWarehouse Collaborates With the Regola Di Selva And Pescul Di Cadore To Restore A Devastated Forest

 European DataWarehouse Collaborates With the Regola Di Selva And Pescul Di Cadore To Restore A Devastated Forest European DataWarehouse (EDW) is pleased to announce that it has donated funds for the restoration of a forest in the Dolomites as part of its commitment to social and environmental causes. The generous donation from EDW funded the … Continued