The Babel Tower of Energy Performance Certificate Ratings and Databases in Europe

 The Babel tower of Energy Performance Certificate ratings and databases in Europe European DataWarehouse (EDW) is the first securitisation repository in Europe for collecting, validating, and making available for download detailed, standardised and asset class specific loan-level data (LLD) for Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) transactions and private whole loan portfolios. Developed, owned, and operated by the … Continued

COVID-19 in SME Data

 COVID-19 in SME DATA In late February, towns in the Lombardy region in Italy began going into lockdown, one after the other. Schools, restaurants, shops, and offices all shuttered in what seemed like an extreme measure to the rest of Europe. Within a matter of weeks, much of the world would find itself under similar … Continued

Special Reporting Guidelines: How to Report Data to Reflect COVID-19

Special Reporting Guidelines: How to Report Data to Reflect COVID-19 In this article, we hope to provide you with general guidance on how to report loans affected by COVID-19.  Specifically, these reporting practices should reflect (i) legislative payment moratoria or (ii) payment relief initiated as part of a sector-wide moratorium scheme coordinated by the banking … Continued

Securitisation Regulation EU (2017/2402) – the moment of truth

Securitisation Regulation EU (2017/2402) – the moment of truth Summer 2020 should mark a very important milestone for the Securitisation Regulation 2017/2402: it is expected that the remaining Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) will be published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union (EU). The publication in the Official Journal (OJ) will be followed … Continued

European DataWarehouse Solutions for Energy Efficiency

European DataWarehouse Solutions for Energy Efficiency This is a translated and updated version of an interview conducted by Dario D'Orta with ED Team Members Marco Angheben, Eirini Kanoni and Eugenio Benetti. The original interview was published in January 2020. To view the original article, click here.   What is European DataWarehouse? Founded in 2012 as … Continued

EDITOR October Release

EDITOR What’s new in October? We've released a new version of EDITOR which includes important changes to prepare our systems and your company for the next phase of the Securitisation Regulation. So what's new? Take a look below.    1. STS & ECB REPORTING MADE EASY 2. TAKE CONTROL OF PRIVACY 3. ON-DEMAND ACCESS TO … Continued

EDWIN Functionality and Usage to Transition to EDITOR

EDWIN FEATURES TO TRANSITION TO EDITOR On October 15th, the ability to upload ECB loan-level data and documentation will transition from the EDWIN website to EDITOR ( Data Owners/Data Providers will no longer be able to use the EDWIN website to upload data after the transition. Please see below for essential information regarding the transition: … Continued

We’re Ready

WE’RE READY WE'RE PREPARED, SO YOU CAN BE TOO.  Starting today, to make it easier for you to comply with the regulations, we have given you access to our new ESMA reporting solution in EDitor. With the level 2 guidelines on reporting almost close to being finalised, we want to reinforce our commitment to serve … Continued

Going Beyond Taxonomies and Templates

Going Beyond Taxonomies and Templates Data Quality Management – The How In the first part of our Data Quality Management Series – DQM: The Why, we commented that our DQM framework has not been built because of, but despite the rigid data templates we have in place which already sets specific filters on incoming data. But how do we … Continued

Why are we, at ED, obsessed with Data Quality?

Why are we, at ED, obsessed with Data Quality? We collect and store loan-level data as per pre-defined data templates. Each data field has a clear explanation of what the field is supposed to contain, its format, whether it is mandatory or optional. Our repository solution is already capable of rejecting data files that do … Continued