On October 15th, the ability to upload ECB loan-level data and documentation will transition from the EDWIN website to EDITOR (https://editor.eurodw.eu/). Data Owners/Data Providers will no longer be able to use the EDWIN website to upload data after the transition.

Please see below for essential information regarding the transition:

Date of Transition:


Services Impacted:

EDWIN WEBSITE (For Data Owners and Data Providers)

No Impact for:


Why are we transitioning to EDITOR?

We are building a range of deal creation and data upload features in EDITOR to help our Data Owners and Providers to efficiently manage all reporting requirements, including:

  1. ECB Eligibility requirements
  2. Securitisation regulations (both transitional arrangements and the future ESMA templates)

After October 15th, users should upload ECB Loan Level Data, STS related documentation, cash flow models and any other documentation including private documents exclusively on the EDITOR website.

Once the ESMA templates are in effect, you will be able to report data in the ESMA format (to comply with the securitisation regulation) and in the ECB format (for the ECB eligibility requirements), all under one roof.

For private transactions, you will also be able to manage and invite users, whilst retaining control over who sees your data.

This transition from EDWIN to EDITOR will enable users to fulfil reporting obligations quickly and efficiently, while simultaneously providing a rich and modern user experience.

What will change and what should I do?

For deal creation in EDWIN:

  • Starting October 15th, the “Create and Edit” Deal page will no longer be available on EDWIN, but only on the EDITOR website


For ECB loan-level data and documentation upload on EDWIN:

  • Starting October 15th, the ability to upload ECB Loan Level Data and Documentation will no longer be available on EDWIN, but only on EDITOR.
  • There will be NO CHANGE to the Loan Level Data Upload API or the Toolkit
  • If you currently upload loan data and/or documentation on the EDWIN website, you can start using the EDITOR website immediately
  • In EDWIN, when users upload loan-level data, the submitted data is instantly public on the platform. In EDITOR, users have the option to review data before it is made public. In order to reflect the current EDWIN functionality and directly publish a file without manual interference / review, we will introduce a direct upload button on EDITOR on October 15th.

If you are also a Data User, you can still use EDWIN as a Data User, but the Data Owner/Provider functionalities will not be available for you starting October 15th

If you have any questions regarding these changes, or would like to be guided through your first EDITOR upload, please feel free to call your dedicated analyst or email us at enquiries@eurodw.eu